A few steps for a mindful shift...

A few steps for a mindful shift...

It usually pops up before we can process how things got a certain way. 
One thing for sure that i know is, when you are in a whirlwind, it can be easy to fall off track and lose sight of what you are after. 
For me, i need a little time alone, some TLC and i know what i need to do, to feel better in my skin, mentally + physically. 
I'm far from an expert, but here is our edition of a few steps to clarity of mind!
1. Step One is always sunshine
Whether we have been cooped up in the office all day or we have just not taken any time to sit and be still, to get some vitamin d and to laugh... this is usually the top of the list and it is usually how we get the process happening! 
My top locations for sunshine basking?: Home in the backyard always works a treat otherwise we love to go to the local park, or one of our favourite quiet beach spots. 

2. It's incredible how the mundane has so much power too! I am a believer in how you start your day, has an effect on the rest of the day and how it will pan out. I think everything starts with a morning routine. So another little pick me up is a reminder of 'fresh beginnings' and yes, i am talking about my morning coffee. Take it, process it, enjoy it and switch off for a couple of minutes! 
3. Next step, some fur friends. 
As a dog lover, I will always make sure that my companions health is also taken seriously and considered. According to statistics, people who have one or more pets in their homes lead happier lives, are considerably healthier, live longer and weigh less than those who don't. Pet owners heal better after surgery and have reduced factors for cardiovascular disease.
If you are lucky enough to have one of these pals, in your family. Take time to be with them, to care for them and caring for them will in fact help you feel better too. 
4. A tidy home is a tidy mind. 
Not all cleaning is created equal.  Make a list of what you would like to get done and then prioritize what needs to be done and what can wait until the next day or two.   Given the time that you have available, write down your top 2 or 3 {realistic!} cleaning goals and stick with these before attempting to do other things.  I always used to hate writing out lists but I find that it really helps me to stay focused.
5. Remember, no one is perfect! What we want to get out of this blog post, is not a guaranteed checklist on what you should do when you're not one thousand percent happy. 
No one is perfect and we are all doing our best. 
Be kind to one another and be kind to you! Uniqueness is valued and you are valued. Take care of yourself and remember... 
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